Why are details included in a text?(1 point) Responses to add information in support of a topic to add information in support of a topic to provide the organizational structure of a text to provide the organizational structure of a text to distract the reader from the topic to distract the reader from the topic to introduce the topic of a text

The main reason details are included in a text is to add information in support of a topic.

Details are included in a text to add information in support of a topic.

Details are included in a text primarily to add information in support of a topic. When writing, authors use details to provide evidence, examples, or explanations that help develop and expand on the main idea or argument they are trying to convey. Details not only provide additional information but also help support the author's position, create a clearer picture for the reader, and enhance the overall understanding of the topic being discussed. Therefore, the main purpose of including details in a text is to strengthen the author's argument and provide a more persuasive or informative reading experience.