Conflict between which groups of people have led to war in Lebanon? Select the three correct answers.

(1 point)


B. Christians

C.Sunni Muslims

D. Jewish

E.Shiite Muslims


The correct answers are: B. Christians, C. Sunni Muslims, and E. Shiite Muslims.

The correct answers are:

B. Christians
C. Sunni Muslims
E. Shiite Muslims

The three correct answers for the groups of people whose conflicts have led to war in Lebanon are:

B. Christians
C. Sunni Muslims
E. Shiite Muslims

To arrive at these answers, the factors that have historically contributed to conflicts and wars in Lebanon need to be considered. Lebanon has a complex history of political and sectarian divisions, which have often been at the heart of conflicts. The country is home to a diverse range of religious and ethnic communities, including Christians, Sunni Muslims, and Shiite Muslims. Over the years, tensions between these groups have escalated, leading to armed conflicts and civil wars. The Christian-Muslim divide, especially between Sunni and Shiite Muslims, has been a significant source of volatility in Lebanon's history.

Buddhists, Jews, and Agnostics are not major religious or ethnic groups involved in conflicts and wars in Lebanon, making them incorrect choices.