Jews began to hope ______ would save them.

Jews began to hope that a leader or messiah would save them.

what ideas did jesus teach his followers?

to be happy all the time
to believe in only one god
to reject the teachings of the hebrew bible
to be kind and charitable
to attend church services of sundays
to take care of those who could not care for themselves

The ideas that Jesus taught his followers included:

1. To believe in and worship only one God.
2. To love and treat their neighbors with kindness and compassion.
3. To be forgiving and show mercy towards others.
4. To seek spiritual fulfillment and righteousness rather than material wealth.
5. To prioritize spiritual growth and the kingdom of God over worldly desires.
6. To live a humble and selfless life, serving others and putting their needs before their own.
7. To observe moral and ethical values, such as honesty, integrity, and faithfulness.
8. To pray and seek a personal relationship with God.
9. To spread the teachings of love, peace, and forgiveness.
10. To prepare for the coming of the kingdom of God and eternal life.

It's important to note that Jesus did not reject the teachings of the Hebrew Bible (the Old Testament). Instead, he often emphasized fulfilling and expanding upon its teachings through his own teachings and actions.

i was hoping you would select the correct answers from the question i asked with possible answers...

I apologize for the misunderstanding. From the given options, the correct answers would be:

1. To believe in only one God
4. To be kind and charitable
7. To take care of those who could not care for themselves.

christians believes that jesus was ___________ after his death to lead his followers to eternal life.

Christians believe that Jesus was resurrected after his death to lead his followers to eternal life.

how did chirstanity create its own religion

Christianity originated from the teachings of Jesus Christ, who lived in the 1st century AD. It developed as a distinct religion primarily through the efforts of Jesus' followers, particularly the apostles, who spread his teachings and beliefs after his death and resurrection.

The early Christian community grew and expanded as Jesus' followers continued to preach and share his message. They faced persecution and challenges from various groups, including the Roman Empire, which considered Christianity as a threat to its authority. However, the faith persevered and found converts among different social and cultural groups.

Over time, Christian beliefs and practices developed further through theological discussions, councils, and writings of early church theologians. The Bible, consisting of the Old Testament and the New Testament, became central to Christian teachings and provided a foundation for Christian doctrine.

Formal organizational structures, such as the establishment of bishops and churches, contributed to the organization and spread of Christianity. Constantine's conversion to Christianity in the 4th century, as well as subsequent support from other rulers, further solidified its status as a recognized and influential religion.

In summary, Christianity developed as a distinct religion through the efforts of Jesus' followers, the spread of his teachings, the formation of theological doctrines, the organization of the early church, and societal acceptance and recognition over time.

can you please make a shorter simple answer?