-17 x -61

-17 x -61 equals 1047.

-17 x (-61)


-17 x (-61) equals 1,037.

To multiply -17 by -61, follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply the absolute values of the numbers.

|-17| x |-61| = 17 x 61 = 1037

Step 2: Determine the sign of the result.

Since both numbers are negative, the product will be positive.

Result: -17 x -61 = 1037

To find the product of -17 and -61, you can apply the rule for multiplying two negative numbers, which states that a negative number multiplied by a negative number will yield a positive number.

To calculate -17 x -61, follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply the absolute values of the two numbers:
Absolute value of -17 = 17
Absolute value of -61 = 61

17 x 61 = 1037

Step 2: Determine the sign of the product:
Since both numbers being multiplied are negative, the product will be positive.

Step 3: Combine the absolute value with the sign:
The product of -17 x -61 is 1037, but since both numbers were negative, the final result is positive.

Therefore, -17 x -61 equals 1037.