The PTA agreed to find a fall field trip in seventh grade class and vote on the destination, Sambo to the zoo, others out for the museum after the vote for student council, announces at the zoo is the winner re-write a paragraph so that all subjects and birds agree

The PTA agreed to find a fall field trip for the seventh-grade class and vote on the destination. Some were in favor of going to the zoo, while others were more inclined towards the museum. After the vote for the student council, it was announced that the zoo was the winner.

The PTA agreed to find a fall field trip for the seventh-grade class and vote on the destination. Some wanted to go to the zoo, while others preferred the museum. After the vote for the student council, it was announced that the zoo was the winner.

The PTA agreed to organize a fall field trip for the seventh-grade class and vote on the destination. After the vote for student council, Sambo suggested the zoo, while others opted for the museum. Following the announcement, it was decided that the zoo was the winner. Let's make sure all the subjects and verbs agree in the paragraph by rewriting it:

The PTA agreed to organize a fall field trip for the seventh-grade class and vote on the destination. After the vote for student council, Sambo suggested going to the zoo, while others voiced their preference for visiting the museum. Following the announcement, it was decided that the zoo would be the winner.