Is this a thesis statement?

The following paragraphs discuss how President Franklin D. Roosevelt's economic policies during the Great Depression helped American families.

No, this is not a thesis statement. It is a preview statement that introduces the topic and explains what will be discussed in the following paragraphs. A thesis statement should present a clear and concise argument or main idea that will be supported throughout the rest of the essay or paper.

No, this is not a thesis statement. The given statement provides an overview of the main topic and suggests what will be discussed in the paragraphs. However, a thesis statement is typically a single sentence that presents the main argument or claim of an essay. It should be specific, concise, and focused.

Yes, the sentence you provided can be considered a thesis statement. A thesis statement is typically a concise statement that clearly expresses the central argument or main idea of an essay or paper. In this case, the thesis statement is stating that the following paragraphs will discuss how President Franklin D. Roosevelt's economic policies during the Great Depression benefited American families.