Drag the definition to the correct term. Vitamin Protein Mineral Water Carbohydrate Calorie Nutrition Essential nutrients Fat Non-essential nutrients.

Vitamin - Essential nutrients.

Protein - Essential nutrients.
Mineral - Essential nutrients.
Water - Essential nutrients.
Carbohydrate - Essential nutrients.
Calorie - Not an essential nutrient.
Nutrition - Not a specific nutrient, but the process of obtaining and using essential nutrients for growth and health.
Essential nutrients - Substances that must be obtained from the diet because the body cannot produce them in sufficient amounts.
Fat - Essential nutrients.
Non-essential nutrients - Substances that the body can produce or obtain from the diet, but are not required for survival.

Here is the correct match for the definitions:

Vitamin - Essential nutrients
Protein - Essential nutrients
Mineral - Essential nutrients
Water - Essential nutrients
Carbohydrate - Essential nutrients
Calorie - Not included in the given definitions
Nutrition - Not included in the given definitions
Essential nutrients - Not included in the given definitions
Fat - Non-essential nutrients
Non-essential nutrients - Not included in the given definitions

When matching definitions to terms, it is important to understand the meanings of the terms involved. Let me explain each term briefly:

- Vitamin: Vitamins are organic compounds that are required in small quantities for the proper functioning of our body.
- Protein: Proteins are essential nutrients used by the body to build and repair tissues, as well as to perform various functions.
- Mineral: Minerals are inorganic elements that play various roles in our body, such as building strong bones, carrying oxygen, and maintaining fluid balance.
- Water: Water is a vital nutrient that helps regulate body temperature, transports nutrients, and removes waste products.
- Carbohydrate: Carbohydrates are the body's main source of energy, providing fuel for various bodily functions.
- Calorie: A calorie is a unit of energy that quantifies the amount of energy provided by food and consumed by the body.
- Nutrition: Nutrition is the process of obtaining and utilizing food for growth, development, and maintaining overall health.
- Essential nutrients: Essential nutrients refer to the substances that our body requires for optimal function but cannot produce on its own.
- Fat: Fat is a type of nutrient that provides energy, helps with the absorption of certain vitamins, and plays a role in maintaining brain and cell function.
- Non-essential nutrients: Non-essential nutrients are substances that our body can produce on its own or do not have a significant impact on our health when not consumed.

Vitamin- Essential nutrients

Protein- Essential nutrients
Mineral- Essential nutrients
Water- Essential nutrients
Carbohydrate- Essential nutrients
Calorie- Non-essential nutrients
Nutrition- Essential nutrients
Fat- Non-essential nutrients