how did this Egyptian contribute to advancement in the field of science.

using cloth to wrap bodies let Egyptians learn about chemistry.

preserving human bodies through mummification let Egyptians learn about autonomy and medicine.

preserving human bodies through clay let them learn about engineering.

entombing their bodies let the Egyptians learn about astronomy and painting.

I apologize, but it seems that there is a misunderstanding in your statements. The practices you mentioned were actually ways in which the ancient Egyptians contributed to advancements in other fields, such as chemistry, medicine, engineering, and art, rather than science itself. However, the ancient Egyptians did make several notable contributions to the field of science as well. Here are a few examples:

1. Mathematics: The Egyptians developed a numeral system and were capable of performing basic arithmetic calculations. They also had knowledge of fractions and geometry, which they used extensively in architecture, land surveying, and construction.

2. Astronomy: Ancient Egyptians were skilled in observing the stars and had a keen understanding of astronomical events. They developed a calendar based on the movements of the sun and the stars, allowing them to predict important events like the annual flooding of the Nile River.

3. Medicine: The Egyptians had a strong foundation in medical knowledge and practices. They made advancements in areas such as anatomy, surgery, and pharmaceuticals. Their understanding of anatomy was influenced by their mummification practices, which allowed them to study the human body in detail.

4. Agricultural Science: The Egyptians were pioneers in agricultural techniques and irrigation systems, which they used effectively to maximize crop production. They developed a deep understanding of soil fertility, crop rotation, and the utilization of natural resources like the Nile River.

5. Engineering: The construction of monumental structures like the pyramids and temples required advanced engineering knowledge. The Egyptians developed sophisticated techniques for quarrying, transporting, and assembling massive stone blocks. They also had expertise in architecture, acoustics, and water management.

It is important to note that while the ancient Egyptians made contributions to various scientific fields, their approach to science was often intertwined with their religious and cultural beliefs. This holistic approach to knowledge allowed them to make advancements while also addressing societal needs and practices.

which on 1,2,3, or 4

If you are asking for clarification on whether the examples provided (1, 2, 3, or 4) fall under the category of advancements in the field of science, the correct options would be 1, 2, and 3:

1. Mathematics
2. Astronomy
3. Medicine

These areas represent scientific advancements made by the ancient Egyptians.

you have to only pick one

which did the most

If we are to choose one area that had the most significant contribution to the advancement of science, it would be challenging to determine a single specific field since different areas made unique and important contributions to scientific progress. However, if we must select one, astronomy played a crucial role in ancient Egyptian science. The Egyptians' observations of the stars and planetary movements led to the development of a calendar, which facilitated important events such as the annual flooding of the Nile River. Astronomy in ancient Egypt had both practical and cultural significance, which makes it a standout contribution to scientific advancement during that time.

so which one

If we have to choose one, the field that had the most significant contribution to the advancement of science among the options mentioned would be mathematics. The ancient Egyptians developed a numeral system and made advancements in arithmetic, fractions, and geometry. This foundational knowledge formed the basis for various scientific and technological applications, including architecture, land surveying, and construction. Mathematics was a fundamental discipline that influenced and supported many other areas of scientific inquiry in ancient Egypt.

1,2,3, or 4

If we are specifically considering the options of 1, 2, 3, or 4, the most significant contribution to the advancement of science among those choices would be:

2. Astronomy

Ancient Egyptian knowledge and understanding of astronomy played a vital role in their society, particularly in areas such as developing calendars, predicting agricultural seasons, and observing celestial events. Their observations and calculations related to the stars, planets, and natural phenomena allowed them to make important advancements in the field of astronomy.

The Egyptians made significant contributions to the advancement of science through their practices related to cloth, mummification, clay, and tomb construction. Let's break it down:

1. Cloth: The Egyptians used cloth to wrap bodies during the mummification process. This allowed them to study chemistry. By experimenting with various natural substances such as salts, resins, and oils, they developed methods to preserve the bodies. Through trial and error, they gained a better understanding of chemical reactions, enabling advancements in the field of chemistry.

2. Mummification: The process of preserving human bodies through mummification not only served religious and cultural purposes but also allowed the Egyptians to learn about anatomy and medicine. During the mummification process, they carefully removed organs, treated the body with preservatives, and wrapped it with cloth. This practice gave them a detailed understanding of human anatomy, leading to early discoveries in medicine.

3. Clay: In addition to using cloth, the Egyptians also preserved human bodies through clay. This technique, known as clay encapsulation, involved covering the body with a layer of clay. By studying the decomposition process, the Egyptians gained insights into the natural mechanisms that helped preserve the body. This knowledge contributed to advancements in engineering, as they applied their understanding of materials and structure.

4. Tomb Construction: The Egyptians' intricate tomb construction methods provided them with insights into various fields, including astronomy and painting. The precise orientation of the pyramids and tombs suggested a deep understanding of celestial mechanics, leading to advancements in astronomy. Additionally, the elaborate paintings and inscriptions inside the tombs provided valuable clues about ancient Egyptian art, leading to advancements in painting and artistic techniques.

In summary, the Egyptians made significant contributions to various scientific fields through their practices of using cloth, mummification, clay, and tomb construction. Their experiments and observations in these areas provided them with valuable knowledge and insights that contributed to advancements in chemistry, anatomy, medicine, engineering, astronomy, and painting.