which of the following is an accomplishment of Rames ll?

built monuments.
wrote famous literature.
established trade routes with Greeks.
was female Pharoh.

built monuments.

The accomplishment of Rames II is that he built monuments.

To determine which of the following options is an accomplishment of Rames II, we can examine each option and consider the historical context. Rames II, also known as Ramses II, was an Egyptian pharaoh who reigned from 1279 to 1213 BCE.

1. Built monuments: Ramses II was renowned for his architectural accomplishments and commissioned the construction of numerous temples, statues, and monuments across Egypt. These included the grand temples at Abu Simbel and the Ramesseum, which served as testament to his power and influence. So, building monuments is indeed an accomplishment of Ramses II.

2. Wrote famous literature: While Ramses II was a patron of arts and literature, there is no evidence to suggest that he personally authored famous literary works. Therefore, writing famous literature cannot be considered an accomplishment specifically belonging to Ramses II.

3. Established trade routes with the Greeks: This option is not historically accurate as Greece did not exist as a unified entity during Ramses II's reign. However, Ramses II did engage in trade and diplomatic relations with various neighboring civilizations, including the Hittites, Nubians, and Canaanites. So, while he did not establish trade routes with the Greeks, he did engage in trade with other regions.

4. Was female Pharaoh: Ramses II was actually a male pharaoh, and there is no historical evidence or mention of Ramses II identifying as a female pharaoh. So, this option is not applicable to Ramses II.

In conclusion, of the given options, the accomplishment of Rames II is that he built monuments.