Where would you place the suffix for a word?(1 point)


at the end of the root word
at the end of the root word

at the beginning of the root word
at the beginning of the root word

on its own as the root word
on its own as the root word

 in the middle of the root word

at the end of the root word.

The suffix for a word is typically placed at the end of the root word.

To determine where to place a suffix in a word, you need to understand the basic structure of a word. A word is typically made up of a root word and one or more affixes.

A root word is the core or base meaning of a word, and it can stand on its own as a complete word. For example, "play" is a root word.

An affix, on the other hand, is a word element that is added to the root word to modify its meaning. A suffix is a type of affix that is added at the end of a root word.

So, to answer the question, the correct placement for a suffix in a word is at the end of the root word. For example, if we want to create a verb from the root word "play," we can add the suffix "-ing" to form "playing."

Therefore, the correct response is: "at the end of the root word."