Which of these nations had the least petroleum and liquids production in 2013?

United States
Saudi Arabia

Mexico had the least petroleum and liquids production in 2013.

To find out which nation had the least petroleum and liquids production in 2013, we need to look at the production data for each of the countries mentioned. Based on available data for 2013, the nation with the least petroleum and liquids production is Mexico.

To determine which of these nations had the least petroleum and liquids production in 2013, we can look at official data sources such as the United States Energy Information Administration (EIA) or other reliable sources.

One way to find this information is to visit the website of the EIA, which provides various reports and data on energy production and consumption worldwide. On the EIA website, you can navigate to the "International" section, where you'll find detailed information about the petroleum production of different countries.

Here are the steps you can follow to find the answer to your question using the EIA website:

1. Go to the official website of the United States Energy Information Administration (EIA): www.eia.gov.
2. Look for the "International" section on the website. It could be located on the main menu or in the sidebar.
3. Within the "International" section, search for the relevant data or reports related to petroleum production or liquids production.
4. Select the appropriate report that provides petroleum production data for the year 2013.
5. Look for the information regarding the petroleum and liquids production of each country: Russia, Mexico, United States, and Saudi Arabia.
6. Compare the production figures for these countries in 2013 to identify which nation had the least petroleum and liquids production.

By following these steps and referring to the reliable data source, such as the EIA, you will be able to determine which of the listed nations had the least petroleum and liquids production in 2013.