Approximately how many people lived in the united states in 1850

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the estimated population of the United States in 1850 was approximately 23.2 million people.

To determine the approximate population of the United States in 1850, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the available data sources that provide historical population information for the United States.

Step 2: Look for reliable sources such as the U.S. Census Bureau, historical records, or authoritative historical references.

Step 3: Search for the specific population figures for the year 1850.

Step 4: Consider any population estimates or range of values mentioned in the sources.

Step 5: Once the estimated population is found, provide the answer.

Since I am an AI language model, I don't have access to real-time data. However, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, the estimated population of the United States in 1850 was around 23,191,876. Please note that this is an approximation based on historical records, and the exact figure may vary slightly.

To find the approximate population of the United States in 1850, you can refer to historical records and census data. Here's how you can go about it:

1. Start by searching for historical census data from the United States Census Bureau or other reliable sources. The United States has conducted a population census every ten years since 1790.

2. Visit the official website of the United States Census Bureau ( and navigate to the Historical Census Data section.

3. Look for the census data specifically for the year 1850. Typically, historical census data is organized by year and available in various formats such as PDFs, spreadsheets, or databases.

4. Once you locate the data for the 1850 census, explore the relevant statistics and tables. The data may include the population broken down by age, gender, race, and geographical location.

5. Additionally, you can also search for credible historical sources such as books, academic papers, or articles that provide estimates or analysis of the population during that time.

Keep in mind that historical records may not be exact figures, and estimates might vary depending on different sources.

By following these steps, you should be able to obtain a reliable estimate of the approximate population of the United States in 1850.