Why was the Declaration of Independence important? Select all that apply.

(1 point)

It set up the U.S. government.
It set up the U.S. government.

It explained the ideals of liberty, justice, and equality.
It explained the ideals of liberty, justice, and equality.

It announced that the American colonies were separate from Great Britain.
It announced that the American colonies were separate from Great Britain.

It gave Americans the right to vote for leaders.
It gave Americans the right to vote for leaders.

- It explained the ideals of liberty, justice, and equality.

- It announced that the American colonies were separate from Great Britain.

What is the relationship between the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights?

(1 point)

The Bill of Rights outlines rights explained in the Declaration of Independence.
The Bill of Rights outlines rights explained in the Declaration of Independence.

The Bill of Rights expands on the reasons for revolution stated in the Declaration of Independence.
The Bill of Rights expands on the reasons for revolution stated in the Declaration of Independence.

The Bill of Rights creates a strong government in place of the Declaration of Independence.
The Bill of Rights creates a strong government in place of the Declaration of Independence.

The Bill of Rights guarantees individual freedoms described in the Declaration of Independence.

The Bill of Rights guarantees individual freedoms described in the Declaration of Independence.

Which ideas from the Declaration of Independence support women’s suffrage?

(1 point)

“We hold these Truths to be self-evident”
“We hold these Truths to be self-evident”

“Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”
“Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”

“Governments are instituted among Men”
“Governments are instituted among Men”

“deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed”

“deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed”

What was the purpose of the pyramids?

(1 point)

to hold rebels as prisoners

to hold rebels as prisoners

to house farmers and their families

to house farmers and their families

to store grain and dried beans

to store grain and dried beans

to serve as tombs for pharao

to serve as tombs for pharaohs

What does a hieroglyphic writing system use instead of alphabetic letters?

(1 point)

cuneiform shapes

cuneiform shapes

drawings or symbols

drawings or symbols

a numerical code

a numerical code

papyrus scrolls

drawings or symbols

What made the Egyptian lunar calendar difficult to use?

(1 point)

Days were different lengths in different seasons.

Days were different lengths in different seasons.

Each year had a different number of days.

Each year had a different number of days.

It was based on a star that appeared every three years.

It was based on a star that appeared every three years.

Only educated Egyptians could understand it

Only educated Egyptians could understand it