The Salzburgers ________ slavery and was credited with creating the first water-powered _______.

This document gave the king's approval for the colony of Georgia to begin.
The line of latitude separates the earth from top to bottom creating the Northern and Southern hemispheres.

The Salzburgers condemned slavery and were credited with creating the first water-powered grist mill.

This document gave the king's approval for the colony of Georgia to begin.
The line of latitude that separates the earth from top to bottom creating the Northern and Southern hemispheres is called the Equator.

what was the document that gave the king's approval for the colony of Georgia to begin.

The Salzburgers opposed slavery and were credited with creating the first water-powered gristmill.

The document that gave the king's approval for the colony of Georgia to begin is known as the Charter of 1732.

The line of latitude that separates the earth from top to bottom creating the Northern and Southern hemispheres is called the equator.

To fill in the blanks and answer the questions:

1. The Salzburgers opposed slavery and were credited with creating the first water-powered *flour mill*.

To find this answer, you can start by searching for information about the Salzburgers. The Salzburgers were a group of German-speaking Protestant refugees from the archbishopric of Salzburg in Austria who settled in the colony of Georgia in the 18th century. Their opposition to slavery is well-documented, as they held strong religious beliefs against the practice. Additionally, it is known that they constructed the first water-powered mill in Georgia, specifically a flour mill, which helped establish their economic independence.

2. The document that gave the king's approval for the colony of Georgia to begin is called the *Charter of 1732*.

To find this answer, you can search for the founding document or charter of the colony of Georgia. The Charter of 1732 is the official document that granted permission from King George II of England to establish the colony of Georgia as a British colony. The charter outlined the rules and regulations for the colony and served as the foundation for the governance of Georgia until it became a royal colony in 1752.

3. The line of latitude that separates the earth from top to bottom, creating the Northern and Southern hemispheres, is called the *equator*.

To answer this question, you can recall some basic geographic knowledge or perform a quick search for the line of latitude that separates the earth's hemispheres. The equator is an imaginary line that is equidistant from the North Pole and the South Pole, creating the Northern Hemisphere above it and the Southern Hemisphere below it. The equator acts as a reference point for measuring latitude on Earth.