The price of a jacket has decreased 21.50 in equal daily increments over the last 5 days . How much is the price changing per day round to the nearest hundreath

To find out how much the price is changing per day, divide the overall decrease in price by the number of days:

21.50 / 5 = 4.30

Therefore, the price of the jacket is changing by approximately $4.30 per day.

To find the price change per day, we need to divide the total price decrease by the number of days.

Total price decrease = $21.50
Number of days = 5

Price change per day = Total price decrease / Number of days
Price change per day = $21.50 / 5

Let's calculate it step by step:

Step 1: Divide $21.50 by 5:
$21.50 / 5 = $4.30

Therefore, the price of the jacket is changing by approximately $4.30 per day (rounded to the nearest hundredth).

To determine the price change per day, we can divide the total price decrease over 5 days by the number of days:

Price change per day = Total price decrease / Number of days

In this case, the total price decrease is $21.50 and the number of days is 5.

Price change per day = $21.50 / 5

Calculating this division gives us:

Price change per day = $4.30

So, the price of the jacket is changing by $4.30 per day.