What information can you find on a job search site? Select all that apply.

(1 point)

Experience levels of jobs
Experience levels of jobs

Jobs by gender
Jobs by gender

Jobs by age
Jobs by age

Location of jobs
Location of jobs

Guarantees of interviews

Experience levels of jobs, location of jobs, guarantees of interviews

Experience levels of jobs, location of jobs, and guarantees of interviews are the information that can be found on a job search site.

The information that can be found on a job search site includes:

1. Experience levels of jobs: Job search sites often provide filters or categories that allow users to search for jobs based on their level of experience. This can help individuals find entry-level positions, mid-level positions, or senior-level positions.

2. Location of jobs: Job search sites allow users to search for jobs in specific locations or regions. Users can enter their desired location and find job listings in that area.

3. Guarantees of interviews: Job search sites may sometimes offer features or services that connect candidates with employers for potential job interviews. However, it is important to note that not all job search sites provide guarantees of interviews.

The following options are not typically found on job search sites:

- Jobs by gender: Job search sites should not discriminate job listings based on gender. They should provide equal opportunities for all candidates, regardless of gender.

- Jobs by age: Similar to gender, job search sites should not classify or categorize job listings based on age. Age should not be a determining factor in job opportunities.

Therefore, the correct responses are:

- Experience levels of jobs
- Location of jobs