Which of the following describes an accomplishment of Georgia’s royal governors?

(1 point)

Declared the Catholic Church the official church of Georgia
Declared the Catholic Church the official church of Georgia

Established the colonies’ first court system, the Court of Conscious
Established the colonies’ first court system, the Court of Conscious

Eliminated parishes and united the colony into a single district
Eliminated parishes and united the colony into a single district

Established stricter rules around land acquisition and ownership

Established the colonies’ first court system, the Court of Conscious

Which of the following describes the main issue causing the French and Indian War in North America?

(1 point)

Competing British and French empires
Competing British and French empires

Georgia's northern border
Georgia's northern border

Ownership of land west of the Appalachian Mountains
Ownership of land west of the Appalachian Mountains

Mary Musgrove’s land claims

Ownership of land west of the Appalachian Mountains

Which occurred at the end of the French and Indian War?

(1 point)

Approximately one-third of the Native American population in Georgia was killed
Approximately one-third of the Native American population in Georgia was killed

The colony of Georgia gave up its right to own slaves
The colony of Georgia gave up its right to own slaves

The colony of Georgia lost more than half of its land to the French
The colony of Georgia lost more than half of its land to the French

The Mississippi river became the western boundary of Georgia
The Mississippi river became the western boundary of Georgia
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The Mississippi river became the western boundary of Georgia

The Salzburgers led all Georgia communities in producing________.

(1 point)






Which of the following is NOT a positive event of the trustee period?

(1 point)

Defense against Spain
Defense against Spain

Profitable trade with Indians
Profitable trade with Indians

Catholics set up schools in the colony
Catholics set up schools in the colony

Building of houses and public buildings

Catholics set up schools in the colony

The correct answer is: Established the colonies' first court system, the Court of Conscious.

To determine this answer, you would need to have knowledge of Georgia's history during the era of royal governors. One way to acquire this information is through textbooks or reliable sources that cover the topic.

By studying the history of Georgia's royal governors, you would discover that they played a significant role in establishing the colonies' first court system, known as the Court of Conscious. This accomplishment was important as it provided a legal framework for resolving disputes and administering justice within the colony.

Eliminating parishes and uniting the colony into a single district was not an accomplishment of Georgia's royal governors, but rather a change implemented during the time of the state's first Constitution in 1777.

Establishing stricter rules around land acquisition and ownership was also not a specific accomplishment of Georgia's royal governors. While land policies were important during this time, they were often enacted through legislation and not solely by royal governors.

As for declaring the Catholic Church the official church of Georgia, this option is repetitive and appears to be an error in the provided responses.

Therefore, the correct answer is that Georgia's royal governors established the colonies' first court system, the Court of Conscious.