Which expression is correctly developed to use the Product

Rule of Exponents? (1 point)
0 (53)°
O 108.108
O 327

The correct expression that uses the product rule of exponents is 0 (53)°

The expression that is correctly developed to use the Product Rule of Exponents is 0(53)°.

To correctly use the Product Rule of Exponents, the expression must involve multiplication of two or more terms with exponents. The Product Rule states that when multiplying two terms with the same base, you keep the base the same and add their exponents.

Let's analyze the given options:

1) 062.73: This is a decimal number and does not involve exponents or multiplication. Thus, it is not correctly developed to use the Product Rule of Exponents.

2) 0 (53)°: This option involves the product of 0 and (53)°. In this case, (53)° means 53 raised to the power of 0, which equals 1. Multiplying 0 by 1 still results in 0. So, this option does not correctly use the Product Rule of Exponents.

3) 108.108: Similar to the first option, this is also a decimal number and does not involve exponents or multiplication, so it is not correctly developed to use the Product Rule of Exponents.

4) 327: This option only contains the number 327, which has no exponents or multiplication. Therefore, it also does not correctly use the Product Rule of Exponents.

None of the provided options correctly use the Product Rule of Exponents.