What is 70% off $9.49

70% off $9.49 is $2.85.

To calculate 70% off of $9.49, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100.
70% = 70/100 = 0.70

Step 2: Calculate the discount by multiplying the decimal value from step 1 by the original price.
Discount = 0.70 x $9.49 = $6.64

Step 3: Subtract the discount from the original price to find the final price after the discount.
Final Price = $9.49 - $6.64 = $2.85

Therefore, 70% off of $9.49 is $2.85.

To find the answer to the question "What is 70% off $9.49," you need to calculate the discount amount by multiplying the original price by the percentage discount.

Step 1: Convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100. In this case, 70% is equivalent to 0.7.

Step 2: Multiply the original price ($9.49) by the decimal form of the percentage discount (0.7):

$9.49 * 0.7 = $6.64.

Therefore, 70% off $9.49 is $6.64.