What happens when Grandpa arrives at Martin’s house? “The Medicine Bag”

In the short story "The Medicine Bag," when Grandpa arrives at Martin's house, he is greeted by Martin's parents and younger sister. They warmly welcome him and express their happiness to see him. Grandpa is invited into the house and they all gather around the living room to spend time together. Martin is especially excited to see his grandfather and is eager to show him off to his friends, who are also present. As the story progresses, Grandpa's presence brings about a series of events that teach Martin about his Native American heritage and the importance of family traditions.

When Grandpa arrives at Martin's house in the story "The Medicine Bag," a series of events unfold:

1. Martin opens the door and excitedly greets his Grandpa with a hug.
2. Grandpa takes off his hat and gray coat, revealing his traditional Native American clothing.
3. Martin introduces Grandpa to his mother and father, who warmly welcome him.
4. Grandpa presents Martin with a small, worn leather pouch called the medicine bag.
5. Martin is surprised and curious about the significance of the medicine bag.
6. Grandpa explains that the medicine bag has been passed down through their family for generations and contains sacred items.
7. Martin's parents listen attentively as Grandpa shares stories about their ancestors and the importance of their heritage.
8. Martin feels a deep sense of pride and connection to his Native American roots through Grandpa's stories and the gift of the medicine bag.
9. The family gathers around to enjoy a meal together, continuing to share stories and bond over their shared heritage.
10. Grandpa's visit leaves a lasting impact on Martin, fostering a stronger sense of cultural identity and understanding.

To find out what happens when Grandpa arrives at Martin's house in "The Medicine Bag," you will need to read or review the story. The story "The Medicine Bag" is written by Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve and was first published in 1975. It is a short story about a young Native American boy named Martin and his grandfather.

If you have access to the story or a copy of it, you can read it to discover how the arrival of Grandpa is described. If you don't have a copy of the story, you can try searching for it online. Many literary websites or databases may have the story available to read.

By reading the story, you will be able to learn the events that take place when Grandpa arrives at Martin's house, including the interactions between the characters and any important details or actions that occur.