in of the wolves and men, the author describes the wolves as

intelligent, social, and elusive creatures that have a complex hierarchical structure within their packs. The author also emphasizes their ability to adapt and survive in various environments, their formidable hunting skills, and their important role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem. Additionally, the author highlights the deep historical and cultural significance of wolves, their portrayal in folklore and mythology, and the human perception and interaction with them.

In "Of Wolves and Men," the author, Barry Lopez, describes wolves as complex, intelligent creatures. Here are some key characteristics and descriptions the author provides:

1. Social Animals: Lopez emphasizes the social nature of wolves, describing their strong familial bonds and cooperative hunting behaviors. Wolves live in tight-knit packs with a hierarchical structure.

2. Intelligence and Adaptability: The author highlights the wolves' ability to adapt to different environments and their intelligence in solving problems related to hunting and survival.

3. Communication: Lopez discusses the wolves' intricate communication methods, focusing on their vocalizations, body postures, and use of scent marking. He explains how these forms of communication are essential for maintaining the cohesion of the pack.

4. Myth and Symbolism: The author delves into the symbolic representation of wolves in various cultures and mythologies. He discusses their portrayal as both fearsome creatures and symbols of loyalty, power, and wisdom.

5. Perception: Lopez also examines the perception of wolves by humans throughout history. He explores diverse attitudes, from fear and persecution to admiration and understanding.

Overall, "Of Wolves and Men" offers a comprehensive exploration of the multifaceted nature of wolves, combining scientific research with cultural perspectives to provide a nuanced understanding of these fascinating animals.

In order to provide an accurate answer, I would need more specific information about how the author describes the wolves in the book "Of Wolves and Men". Could you please provide more details or a specific quote from the book?