Aria and Marcus know that when sugar burns, it undergoes this reaction. However, they are not sure how much water is produced. Their teacher encourages them to think about the law of conservation of matter.

6 + 6O2
2 → 6CO2
2 + some amount of H2
a. There are 12 atoms of hydrogen shown on the reactant side. How many total atoms of hydrogen must be on the product side?

Since the law of conservation of matter states that atoms cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction, the total number of hydrogen atoms on the product side must be equal to the total number of hydrogen atoms on the reactant side.

In this case, there are 12 hydrogen atoms on the reactant side. Therefore, there must also be 12 hydrogen atoms on the product side.

What does the law of conservation of matter (or the law of conservation of mass) tell the students?(1 point)


Matter might be lost in a chemical or physical process.
Matter might be lost in a chemical or physical process.

Matter is never gained or lost in a chemical or physical process.
Matter is never gained or lost in a chemical or physical process.

Matter might be gained in a chemical or physical process.
Matter might be gained in a chemical or physical process.

Matter is always gained or lost in a chemical or physical process.

Matter is never gained or lost in a chemical or physical process.

c. Aria and Marcus combine 180 grams of sugar with 192 grams of oxygen gas. What would they expect the total mass of the products to be? Why?

According to the law of conservation of matter, the total mass of the products should be equal to the total mass of the reactants. In this case, Aria and Marcus combine 180 grams of sugar with 192 grams of oxygen gas.

To calculate the expected total mass, we need to determine the molar masses of sugar (C6H12O6) and oxygen gas (O2).

The molar mass of sugar (C6H12O6) can be calculated as follows:
6 carbon (C) atoms x 12.01 g/mol = 72.06 g/mol
12 hydrogen (H) atoms x 1.008 g/mol = 12.096 g/mol
6 oxygen (O) atoms x 16.00 g/mol = 96.00 g/mol

Adding these values together, we get:
72.06 g/mol + 12.096 g/mol + 96.00 g/mol = 180.156 g/mol

Since they are combining 180 grams of sugar, we can assume that this is roughly equal to one mole (although it would actually be slightly less due to the molecular mass being slightly less than 180 g/mol).

The molar mass of oxygen gas (O2) is calculated as:
2 oxygen atoms x 16.00 g/mol = 32.00 g/mol

Since they are combining 192 grams of oxygen gas, we can calculate the approximate number of moles as follows:
192 g / (32.00 g/mol) = 6 moles

According to the balanced equation, the reaction will produce 6 moles of carbon dioxide (CO2). The molar mass of carbon dioxide is:
1 carbon (C) atom x 12.01 g/mol = 12.01 g/mol
2 oxygen (O) atoms x 16.00 g/mol = 32.00 g/mol

Adding these values together, we get:
12.01 g/mol + 32.00 g/mol = 44.01 g/mol

Multiplying the molar mass of carbon dioxide by the number of moles, we get:
6 moles x 44.01 g/mol = 264.06 g

Therefore, the expected total mass of the products would be approximately 264.06 grams.

c. Aria and Marcus combine 180 grams of sugar with 192 grams of oxygen gas.  What would they expect the total mass of the products to be?  Why?

You can use the calculator (below the answers) if desired.

(1 point)

The total mass of the products would be greater than 372 grams, because water is really heavy.
The total mass of the products would be greater than 372 grams, because water is really heavy.

The total mass of the products would be something less than 372 grams, because some of the mass burned into nothing.
The total mass of the products would be something less than 372 grams, because some of the mass burned into nothing.

The total mass of the products would equal 180 grams, because the mass of oxygen gas doesn't make a difference.
The total mass of the products would equal 180 grams, because the mass of oxygen gas doesn't make a difference.

The total mass of the products would be 372 grams, because mass cannot be gained or lost in the process.

The total mass of the products would be 372 grams because mass cannot be gained or lost in the process, as stated by the law of conservation of matter.

What is the chemical symbol for sodium?

(1 point)




The chemical symbol for sodium is Na.

How many protons does one atom of boron have?(1 point)




