4/9 x 3/8

To calculate this, you just multiply the numerators (the numbers on top) together and the denominators (the numbers on the bottom) together.

So, (4/9) x (3/8) = (4 x 3)/(9 x 8) = 12/72

However, this fraction can be simplified by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (which is 12 in this case):

12/72 = 1/6

Therefore, 4/9 x 3/8 is equal to 1/6.

To multiply fractions, you multiply the numerators (top numbers) together, and then you multiply the denominators (bottom numbers) together.

Step 1: Multiply the numerators: 4 x 3 = 12.
Step 2: Multiply the denominators: 9 x 8 = 72.

So, 4/9 x 3/8 is equal to 12/72.

However, we can simplify this fraction by finding a common factor between the numerator and the denominator.

Step 3: The greatest common factor of 12 and 72 is 12. Divide both the numerator and the denominator by 12.

12 ÷ 12 = 1
72 ÷ 12 = 6

Therefore, 4/9 x 3/8 simplifies to 1/6.

To multiply fractions, you need to multiply the numerators (top numbers) together and the denominators (bottom numbers) together. Follow these steps to solve 4/9 x 3/8:

Step 1: Multiply the numerators: 4 x 3 = 12.
Step 2: Multiply the denominators: 9 x 8 = 72.
Step 3: Write the product of the numerators over the product of the denominators: 12/72.

However, we can simplify this fraction further by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD). In this case, the GCD of 12 and 72 is 12. Divide both numbers by 12:

12/12 ÷ 72/12 = 1/6.

Therefore, the product of 4/9 and 3/8 is 1/6.