Read the following primary source, then describe at least one cause and one effect of the Haymarket Affair:

Haymarket Affair: "Blood and the Bomb"
Chicago, ILL, May 4. - Great were the expectations of the socialistic leaders of running the meeting they had called for to-night. As early as 7:30 o'clock had been mentioned for the speaking, when the excitement would begin. The place chosen was the old hay market on Randolph street, capable of holding from 15,000 to 20,000 men. . .. The scene around the market about 8 p.m. showed that the scattered group of men loitering in the vicinity would make a crowd numbering not to exceed 1500.

A man who was standing in the crowd received a pistol ball in the thigh and has just been brought to the Central police station. He said that during the progress of the socialistic meeting a squad of officers marched by close to the speakers' stand. Some one shouted, "kill the d ds." Almost as soon as the words had been uttered three bombs were thrown from near the stand into the midst of the squad of officers. They exploded instantly and five policemen fell.
Others were wounded, and several of the socialists did not escape..
Later- more coherent accounts are coming in and they point to a much more disastrous affray than was at first reported. ... At the time of the throwing of the bombs the crowd had dwindled down to less than a thousand.
The utterances of the speakers were still of a most inflammatory character, however, and the hearers who still remained grew riotous in demeanor. The police concluded to put an end to the disturbance, and advancing, ordered the crowd to disperse. At first the socialists fell back slowly, one of the speakers still urging them to stand firm.
Suddenly the bombs were thrown. The police retorted instantly with a volley from their revolvers. The rioters answered with theirs, which shots showed they were provided with pistols. The mob appeared crazed with a frantic desire for blood, and holding its ground, poured volley after volley into the midst of the officers. The latter fought gallantly and at last dispersed the mob and cleared the marketplace.

One cause of the Haymarket Affair was the inflammatory speeches made by the socialistic leaders during the meeting. These speeches, described as of a "most inflammatory character," fueled the anger and resentment of the listeners, which eventually led to the riotous behavior and violence.

One effect of the Haymarket Affair was the death and injury of multiple police officers and socialists. The throwing of bombs by an unidentified person into the midst of the police officers resulted in the deaths of five policemen and the injury of others. In addition, the subsequent exchange of gunfire between the police and the rioters led to further casualties on both sides. This event heightened tensions between labor activists, socialists, and the authorities, leading to a crackdown on labor movements and the persecution of anarchist and socialist groups.

One cause of the Haymarket Affair was the inflammatory speeches made by socialistic leaders during their meeting. These speeches were of a most inflammatory character and riled up the crowd, leading to a riotous and hostile atmosphere.

One effect of the Haymarket Affair was the throwing of bombs by unknown individuals into the midst of a squad of officers. This led to immediate chaos and violence, with five policemen being killed and others being wounded. The mob, fueled by their desire for blood, engaged in a gunfight with the officers, resulting in further casualties and the dispersal of the crowd.

The cause of the Haymarket Affair can be attributed to the inflammatory rhetoric used by the socialistic leaders during the meeting. The primary source mentions that the utterances of the speakers were of a most inflammatory character, and this contributed to the growing riotous demeanor of the remaining crowd. Additionally, the presence of a squad of officers near the speakers' stand further escalated the situation when someone in the crowd shouted, "kill the d ds," prompting the throwing of three bombs into the midst of the officers.

One effect of the Haymarket Affair was the immediate loss of life and injuries. As mentioned in the primary source, five policemen were killed instantly due to the bomb explosions, and others were wounded. Several of the socialists who were present also did not escape unharmed. This tragic event led to a significant loss of life and a sense of fear and uncertainty in the community.

To summarize:
- Cause: Inflammatory rhetoric used by the socialistic leaders during the meeting, coupled with the presence of a squad of officers near the speakers' stand.
- Effect: Immediate loss of life with five policemen killed and others wounded, as well as injuries suffered by some of the socialists present.