Which of the following were reasons the Spanish wanted to colonize the New World? Select all that apply.

- Search for new trade routes and resources

- Spread Christianity and convert the indigenous populations
- Acquire wealth and increase Spanish influence and power
- Establish a base for military purposes and expand territorial claims

The Spanish had several reasons for wanting to colonize the New World. Some of these reasons include:

1. Wealth and Resources: The Spanish saw the Americas as a potential source of precious metals like gold and silver, as well as other valuable resources such as timber, spices, and agricultural products.

2. Expansion of Empire: The Spanish Empire wanted to expand its territories and establish a strong presence in the New World, increasing their power and influence.

3. Spread of Christianity: The Spanish sought to spread the Catholic religion to the indigenous people of the Americas, viewing colonization as an opportunity for religious conversions and the establishment of Catholic missions.

4. Fame and Glory: Explorers and conquistadors sought fame, recognition, and personal wealth through their exploits in the New World. Many hoped to leave a lasting legacy and gain a prominent position in Spanish society.

5. Competition with Other European Powers: The Spanish also wanted to secure territories before other European powers, such as Portugal, England, and France, could establish their own colonies and challenge Spanish control.

To answer this question, we need to understand the historical context and motivations of the Spanish in their quest for colonization in the New World. The Spanish had several reasons for wanting to colonize the New World, and here are the main ones:

1. Wealth and resources: One of the primary motivations for Spanish colonization was the quest for wealth and resources. The New World was believed to be abundant in gold, silver, and other precious resources, which the Spanish hoped to exploit and bring back to Europe.

2. Expansion of empire: The Spanish monarchs sought to expand their empire and establish dominance in the New World. They wanted to extend their influence, territory, and control over new lands.

3. Spread of Christianity: The Spanish were driven by religious motives as well. They aimed to spread Christianity and convert the indigenous peoples of the New World to Catholicism. This motivation was rooted in the Catholic Church's desire to increase its influence and authority.

4. Rivalry with other European powers: The Spanish were engaged in fierce competition and rivalry with other European powers, particularly England and France. They wanted to secure territories in the New World before their rivals could establish a significant presence.

5. Search for new trade routes: The Spanish were also motivated by the desire to find new trade routes to Asia. They hoped that by sailing westward, they could reach the lucrative Spice Islands and establish direct trade connections.

To answer the original question, you need to select all the reasons mentioned above (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) as the Spanish motivations for colonizing the New World.