For a package to be sealed and shipped, its weight must be within 2.875% of 250 pounds. Which weights fall within this acceptable range? Select ALL that apply.

To find the acceptable range for the weight of the package, we need to calculate 2.875% of 250 pounds.

2.875/100 * 250 = 7.1875 pounds

So, the acceptable weight range is 250 ± 7.1875 pounds.

Let's calculate the weights falling within this range:

Upper limit: 250 + 7.1875 = 257.1875 pounds
Lower limit: 250 - 7.1875 = 242.8125 pounds

Therefore, the weights falling within this acceptable range are:
- 242.8125 pounds
- 257.1875 pounds

To find the acceptable range, we need to calculate 2.875% of 250 pounds.

Step 1: Convert the percentage to a decimal.
2.875% = 2.875/100 = 0.02875

Step 2: Calculate the acceptable range.
Upper limit = 250 + (0.02875 * 250) = 250 + 7.1875 = 257.1875 pounds
Lower limit = 250 - (0.02875 * 250) = 250 - 7.1875 = 242.8125 pounds

So, any weights within the range of 242.8125 pounds to 257.1875 pounds (inclusive) are acceptable.

Therefore, the weights that fall within this acceptable range are:
- 243 pounds
- 245 pounds
- 250 pounds
- 255 pounds
- 257 pounds

To calculate the acceptable weight range, we need to determine the lower and upper bounds using the given tolerance percentage.

Step 1: Calculate the lower bound of the acceptable weight range.
Lower Bound = 250 pounds - (2.875% of 250 pounds)

Step 2: Calculate the upper bound of the acceptable weight range.
Upper Bound = 250 pounds + (2.875% of 250 pounds)

Step 3: Find the weights that fall within this acceptable range.

Lower Bound = 250 - (0.02875 * 250) = 250 - 7.1875 = 242.8125 pounds.
Upper Bound = 250 + (0.02875 * 250) = 250 + 7.1875 = 257.1875 pounds.

Therefore, any weight between 242.8125 pounds and 257.1875 pounds (inclusive) falls within the acceptable range.

Possible weights that fall within this range include:
- 245 pounds
- 250 pounds
- 255 pounds
- 257 pounds

So, the weights that fall within the acceptable range are: 245 pounds, 250 pounds, 255 pounds, and 257 pounds.