What is the percentage by mass of nitrogen in ammonium sulphate

The molecular formula of ammonium sulfate is (NH4)2SO4. From this formula, we can deduce that there is one nitrogen atom (N) for each ammonium ion (NH4), and two nitrogen atoms in total in the compound.

To calculate the percentage by mass of nitrogen in ammonium sulfate, we need to consider the molar mass of nitrogen and the overall molar mass of ammonium sulfate.

The atomic mass of nitrogen (N) is approximately 14.01 g/mol.

The molar mass of ammonium sulfate ((NH4)2SO4) can be calculated by adding up the atomic masses of each element in the compound:
- (N) Nitrogen: 14.01 g/mol (1 atom of nitrogen)
- (H) Hydrogen: 1.01 g/mol x 8 (8 atoms of hydrogen in two ammonium ions)
- (S) Sulfur: 32.07 g/mol (1 atom of sulfur)
- (O) Oxygen: 16.00 g/mol x 4 (4 atoms of oxygen)
Total molar mass of (NH4)2SO4 = (14.01 g/mol) + (1.01 g/mol x 8) + (32.07 g/mol) + (16.00 g/mol x 4) = 132.14 g/mol

Now, let's calculate the percentage by mass of nitrogen in ammonium sulfate:
Percentage by mass of nitrogen = (Molar mass of nitrogen / Molar mass of (NH4)2SO4) x 100%
Percentage by mass of nitrogen = (14.01 g/mol / 132.14 g/mol) x 100%

Therefore, the percentage by mass of nitrogen in ammonium sulfate is approximately 10.6%.

To calculate the percentage by mass of nitrogen in ammonium sulfate, we need to know the molar mass of nitrogen and the molar mass of ammonium sulfate.

The molar mass of nitrogen (N) is 14.01 g/mol.

The molar mass of ammonium sulfate (NH4)2SO4 can be calculated as follows:
- The molar mass of ammonium (NH4) is 4*1.01 g/mol (for the hydrogen atoms) plus 1*14.01 g/mol (for the nitrogen atom) = 18.05 g/mol.
- The molar mass of sulfate (SO4) is 1*32.07 g/mol (for the sulfur atom) plus 4*16.00 g/mol (for the oxygen atoms) = 96.06 g/mol.
- Adding the molar mass of ammonium and sulfate gives us 18.05 g/mol + 96.06 g/mol = 114.11 g/mol.

Now, to calculate the percentage by mass of nitrogen in ammonium sulfate, we divide the molar mass of nitrogen by the molar mass of ammonium sulfate, and then multiply by 100%.

(14.01 g/mol / 114.11 g/mol) × 100% ≈ 12.27%

Therefore, the percentage by mass of nitrogen in ammonium sulfate is approximately 12.27%.

To calculate the percentage by mass of nitrogen in ammonium sulphate, you need to consider the molar masses of nitrogen and the compound as a whole.

The molecular formula of ammonium sulphate is (NH4)2SO4.

1. Determine the molar mass of nitrogen (N):
- The atomic mass of nitrogen (N) is approximately 14.01 grams/mole (g/mol).

2. Determine the molar mass of ammonium sulphate ((NH4)2SO4):
- The molar mass is calculated by summing up the individual molar masses of the elements present.
- The atomic masses of hydrogen (H), sulphur (S), and oxygen (O) are approximately 1.01 g/mol, 32.07 g/mol, and 16.00 g/mol, respectively.
- There are two nitrogen atoms, so we multiply the molar mass of nitrogen by 2 because of the (NH4)2 part.
- Therefore, the molar mass of ammonium sulphate is:
(2 * molar mass of nitrogen) + (8 * molar mass of hydrogen) + molar mass of sulphur + (4 * molar mass of oxygen)

3. Calculate the percentage by mass of nitrogen:
- Divide the molar mass of nitrogen by the molar mass of the compound ((NH4)2SO4).
- Multiply the result by 100 to convert it into a percentage.

Overall, the percentage by mass of nitrogen in ammonium sulphate can be calculated by the equation:

Percentage by mass of nitrogen = (2 * molar mass of nitrogen) / ((2 * molar mass of nitrogen) + (8 * molar mass of hydrogen) + molar mass of sulphur + (4 * molar mass of oxygen)) * 100

By substituting the respective atomic masses, you can perform the calculation to find the specific percentage by mass of nitrogen in ammonium sulphate.