Lake Acid has a depth of 120ft below the surfacel. Lake Placid is ⅓ as deep. How deep is Lake Placid? Use appropriate integer to account for elevation.

Lake Placid is 40ft deep.

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To find the depth of Lake Placid, we need to multiply the depth of Lake Acid by the fractional depth of Lake Placid compared to Lake Acid.

The fractional depth of Lake Placid compared to Lake Acid is 1/3.

Therefore, the depth of Lake Placid is 1/3 * 120ft = 40ft.

To find the depth of Lake Placid, we need to multiply the depth of Lake Acid by 1/3.

Depth of Lake Placid = Depth of Lake Acid * 1/3

Since the depth of Lake Acid is 120ft, we can substitute this value into the equation:

Depth of Lake Placid = 120ft * 1/3

Simplifying the equation, we have:

Depth of Lake Placid = 40ft

Therefore, Lake Placid is 40ft deep.

To find the depth of Lake Placid, we can start by determining ⅓ of the depth of Lake Acid, which is 120 ft.

To calculate ⅓ of a number, you can divide the number by 3. So, let's divide 120 ft by 3:

120 ft ÷ 3 = 40 ft

Therefore, Lake Placid is 40 ft deep.