How do signals from sensory neurons reach motor neurons?

Signals from sensory neurons do not get sent to motor neurons
Through interneurons in the brain and spinal cord that connect sensory neurons and motor neurons
Motor neurons signal for the body to move the signal toward them
Signals move from dendrite to dendrite towards motor neurons

The correct answer is:

Through interneurons in the brain and spinal cord that connect sensory neurons and motor neurons.

When sensory neurons detect external stimuli, such as touch, temperature, or pain, they send electrical signals called action potentials towards the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). These action potentials travel along the sensory neuron's axon towards the spinal cord or brain.

Upon reaching the central nervous system, the action potentials are then transmitted or relayed to interneurons, which are specialized neurons that establish communication between different neurons. Interneurons serve as a bridge between sensory neurons and motor neurons.

The interneurons in the brain and spinal cord receive the sensory signals, process the information, and decide how the body should respond. They then transmit the signals to the appropriate motor neurons, which control the muscles. The motor neurons receive the signals and send action potentials along their axons, leading to muscle contraction or movement.

Signals from sensory neurons reach motor neurons through a series of steps:

1. Sensory neurons: Sensory neurons are specialized nerve cells that detect and transmit information about sensory stimuli such as touch, temperature, pain, and pressure.

2. Dendrites: Sensory neurons have branching extensions called dendrites that receive signals from sensory receptors located in different parts of the body.

3. Sensory receptor activation: When a sensory receptor detects a stimulus, it generates an electrical signal called an action potential. This signal is then passed along the sensory neuron's dendrites towards its cell body.

4. Cell body: The cell body of the sensory neuron contains the nucleus and other organelles necessary for maintaining the cell's functions.

5. Axon: The axon is a long, slender extension of the sensory neuron that carries the electrical signal away from the cell body towards other neurons.

6. Synaptic transmission: Once the electrical signal reaches the end of the sensory neuron's axon, it triggers the release of chemical messengers called neurotransmitters into the synapse, which is the small gap between the sensory neuron and the next neuron in the pathway.

7. Interneurons: In the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord), interneurons act as relay neurons that connect sensory neurons to motor neurons. The electrical signal transmitted by the sensory neuron is received by the dendrites of the interneuron.

8. Integration: Interneurons integrate and process the sensory information received from the sensory neuron. They determine the appropriate response or action required based on the sensory input.

9. Motor neurons: Once the interneuron has processed the sensory information, it sends an electrical signal down its axon towards the motor neuron.

10. Synaptic transmission: Similar to the sensory neuron, when the electrical signal reaches the end of the interneuron's axon, it triggers the release of neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft.

11. Motor action: The neurotransmitters released from the interneuron bind to specific receptors on the motor neuron, causing an action potential to be generated in the motor neuron, leading to the activation of muscle fibers.

12. Muscle contraction: Activation of the motor neuron causes the release of chemicals called neurotransmitters at the neuromuscular junction, where the motor neuron connects to the muscle fibers. The neurotransmitters bind to receptors on the muscle cells, leading to muscle contraction.

In summary, signals from sensory neurons reach motor neurons by traveling through interneurons in the brain and spinal cord. These interneurons process and integrate sensory information before sending signals to motor neurons, which in turn activate muscle fibers to produce appropriate motor actions.

Signals from sensory neurons reach motor neurons through a process known as sensory-motor integration. This involves the interaction of various types of neurons in the central nervous system, including interneurons.

When a sensory neuron detects a stimulus, such as touch, temperature, or pain, it sends an electrical signal called an action potential through its axon. The action potential travels along the axon until it reaches the synapse, which is the junction between the sensory neuron and an interneuron.

At the synapse, the action potential triggers the release of neurotransmitters, which are chemical messengers. These neurotransmitters then diffuse across the synapse and bind to receptors on the dendrites of the interneuron. This initiates a new action potential in the interneuron.

The interneuron carries the signal from the sensory neuron to the motor neuron. It extends its axon and forms synapses with the dendrites or cell body of the motor neuron. The action potential is transmitted across the synapse between the interneuron and the motor neuron.

Once the action potential reaches the motor neuron, it continues along the axon until it reaches the neuromuscular junction, where the motor neuron connects to muscles. Here, the action potential triggers the release of neurotransmitters, which stimulate muscle contraction.

In summary, sensory neurons transmit signals to interneurons in the brain or spinal cord. These interneurons relay the signals to motor neurons, which then send signals to the muscles for movement. The signals are transmitted through electrical impulses and chemical neurotransmitters.