Which statement describes metamorphic rock formation? Select the correct answer.(1 point)

Magma cools and hardens.

Pressure causes rock to change.

Once-living organisms become buried.

Layers build up over time.

Pressure causes rock to change.

The correct answer is: Pressure causes rock to change.

The correct answer is: Pressure causes rock to change.

Metamorphic rock formation occurs when existing rocks are subjected to heat and pressure, causing them to undergo significant changes in their mineral composition, texture, and structure. To understand how pressure causes rock to change, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by researching the basic principles of metamorphic rock formation. You can find information in geology textbooks or academic articles related to metamorphic processes.

2. Learn about the rock cycle, which is the continuous process of rock formation, transformation, and recycling. This will provide a broader understanding of how metamorphic rock fits into the larger geological context.

3. Focus specifically on the formation of metamorphic rocks. The process typically involves the existing rock being subjected to elevated temperatures and intense pressure, often due to tectonic movements. This causes the minerals within the rock to recrystallize, rearrange, or change chemically, resulting in a new rock with different characteristics.

4. Explore different types of metamorphic rocks, such as foliated and non-foliated. Foliated metamorphic rocks have distinct layers or bands, while non-foliated metamorphic rocks lack this layered structure. Understanding these differences will give you a more complete picture of metamorphic rock formation.

By following these steps and conducting further research on metamorphic rock formation, you will gain a deeper understanding of why the statement "Pressure causes rock to change" is the correct answer.