Why does the sequence of ideas matter in an informational text

A: It helps readers follow the author’s logic.

B: It helps readers learn the most complicated ideas first.

C: It tells readers the order in which things happened.

D: It tells readers which ideas are the most important.

A: It helps readers follow the author’s logic.

A: It helps readers follow the author’s logic.

The correct answer is A: It helps readers follow the author’s logic.

When reading an informational text, the sequence of ideas is important because it allows readers to follow the author's logic and reasoning. The author presents information in a specific order, arranging ideas in a logical way that builds upon previous concepts. By following the sequence of ideas, readers can understand the author's thought process and how each idea connects with the next.

This logical progression helps readers make sense of the information and grasp the overall purpose and message of the text. If the ideas were presented randomly or out of order, it would be much harder for readers to comprehend and interpret the information effectively.

Therefore, the sequence of ideas in an informational text is crucial for readers to follow the author's reasoning and understand the text's intended meaning.