Which sentence explains why commas are used with nonrestrictive elements?(1 point)


Commas come at the beginning of clauses and nonrestrictive elements.
Commas come at the beginning of clauses and nonrestrictive elements.

Commas split clauses or nonrestrictive elements into smaller, easier-to-read parts.
Commas split clauses or nonrestrictive elements into smaller, easier-to-read parts.

Commas set off clauses and nonrestrictive elements from the rest of the sentence.
Commas set off clauses and nonrestrictive elements from the rest of the sentence.

Commas add more information to clauses and nonrestrictive elements.

Commas set off clauses and nonrestrictive elements from the rest of the sentence.

Commas set off clauses and nonrestrictive elements from the rest of the sentence.

The correct sentence that explains why commas are used with nonrestrictive elements is: "Commas set off clauses and nonrestrictive elements from the rest of the sentence."

Explanation: Commas are used to set off nonrestrictive elements, such as nonessential clauses or phrases, from the rest of the sentence. These nonrestrictive elements provide additional information but are not essential to the meaning of the sentence. By using commas, we separate these nonrestrictive elements, making it clear that they are not closely tied to the main idea of the sentence.