You have the following:

- 8oz of liquid water in a cup
- 8oz of ice, and
- you heat 8oz of water and capture the steam in a balloon

List the states of matter in order from least amount of thermal energy to most amount of thermal energy
Solid, liquid, gas
solid, gas, liquid
gas, solid, liquid
gas, liquid, solid

Solid, liquid, gas

The correct order of states of matter from least amount of thermal energy to most amount of thermal energy is:

Solid, liquid, gas

To determine the order of states of matter based on the amount of thermal energy they possess, we need to understand the concept of thermal energy in relation to the states of matter.

Thermal energy refers to the total kinetic energy (energy associated with motion) of the particles within a substance. The states of matter are directly related to the amount of thermal energy present.

In a solid state, particles are closely packed and vibrating in fixed positions, leading to the least amount of thermal energy. As the temperature increases, the particles gain energy and move more freely.

In a liquid state, the particles have more kinetic energy and are able to move around each other, although they are still relatively close together. This state possesses a moderate amount of thermal energy compared to a solid.

In a gas state, the particles have the highest amount of thermal energy. They move rapidly and are widely spaced from one another. Gases have the ability to fill the entire volume of their container and have no fixed shape.

Now, let's analyze the given scenario:

1. 8oz of ice: Ice represents the solid state, as its particles are closely packed and have the least amount of thermal energy.

2. 8oz of liquid water in a cup: Liquid water represents the liquid state. The particles in liquid water have more thermal energy than in ice, as they can freely move around each other.

3. 8oz of steam in a balloon: Steam represents the gaseous state. The particles in steam have the most thermal energy compared to both ice and liquid water. They move rapidly and are widely spaced.

Based on this information, the correct order of states of matter from least amount of thermal energy to most amount of thermal energy is: solid, liquid, gas.