How do catalysts affect a chemical reaction?

provide activation energy
lower activation energy
increase activation energy
lose activation energy

Catalysts lower the activation energy of a chemical reaction. Activation energy is the minimum amount of energy required for a reaction to occur. By providing an alternative pathway for the reaction to proceed, catalysts reduce the energy barrier that needs to be overcome for the reaction to happen. This allows the reaction to occur more readily and at lower temperatures. In other words, catalysts speed up the reaction by making it easier for the reactant molecules to collide and form products. Catalysts themselves are not consumed during the reaction and can be used repeatedly. Thus, they do not lose activation energy but rather facilitate the reaction by decreasing the energy required for it.

what happens during rusting of an iron nail?

sulfur iron and oxygen combine to form iron sulfoxide
sulfur and oxygen combine to form a sulfur dioxide coating
iron and sulfur combine to form iron sulfide
iron and oxygen combine to form iron oxide

During the rusting of an iron nail, iron and oxygen combine to form iron oxide. This is a chemical process known as oxidation, where iron reacts with oxygen in the presence of moisture or water (H2O) to produce hydrated iron(III) oxide, commonly known as rust. The general chemical equation for the rusting of iron is:

4Fe + 3O2 + 6H2O → 4Fe(OH)3

The iron oxide (Fe2O3) that forms as rust is a reddish-brown compound that weakens and degrades the iron material over time.

which kind of reaction is photosynthesis?

light independent

Photosynthesis is an endothermic reaction.

photosynthesis requires which kind of energy?

thermal energy
light energy
mechanical energy
heat energy

Photosynthesis requires light energy.