Which number from the set { 1.324, 1, - 8/21 } is classified as an integer? (1 point)

The number 1 is classified as an integer because integers are whole numbers, without any fractional or decimal parts.

What is the opposite and absolute value of -214

The opposite of -214 is 214. The absolute value of -214 is also 214.

does | - 40| ≠ |40|

No, it is not correct to say that | -40| ≠ |40|. In fact, the absolute value of -40 and the absolute value of 40 are both equal to 40. The absolute value function removes the negative sign from a number, so regardless of whether a number is positive or negative, its absolute value will always be positive.

does | - 40| > |40|

No, it is not correct to say that | -40| > |40|. In fact, the absolute value of -40 and the absolute value of 40 are both equal to 40. The absolute value function removes the negative sign from a number, so regardless of whether a number is positive or negative, its absolute value will always be positive. Therefore, | -40| and |40| are equal.

What does 22+-20 equal

22 + (-20) equals 2.

Represent -5x-4 with a model