1. What shape is the moon's orbit around Earth?

1 point
an ellipse that is almost circular
a circle
an ellipse that is elongated
a spiral

1. an ellipse that is almost circular

2. Which did Kepler notice FIRST about planetary motion that caused him to propose Kepler’s first law of orbital motion?

1 point
The planets have circular orbits.
The distance between Mars and the sun is constant.
The planets speed up and slow down but cover the same area.
Most planets have highly elliptical orbits.

2. The planets have circular orbits.

3. For which project would knowledge of Kepler's laws prove most useful?

1 point
putting a communications satellite in Earth orbit
measuring the distance between Earth and the moon
calculating the mass of Earth
determining the structure of the solar system's planets

3. determining the structure of the solar system's planets

4. A line between a planet and the sun sweeps out two equal areas at different places as it moves along its orbit. Which factor remains constant as this happens?

1 point
the time the planet takes to sweep out the areas
the distance from the sun to the planet while it sweeps out the areas
the planet’s speed as it sweeps out the areas
the energy required to sweep out the areas

4. the planet’s speed as it sweeps out the areas

5. A highly eccentric orbit, such as a comet, will have an eccentricity of 0.

1 point

5. False

6. Which was a belief of Copernicus's model of the solar system?

1 point
The planets move in perfect circles.
All planets orbit the Sun at the same speed.
The outer planets move in epicycles.
Earth is fixed to a crystalline sphere.