The narrator of the "Scarlet Ibis" is

a. a young boy with a disability
b. a young buy with a disabled brother
c. a parent of a disabled child
d. an adult who had a disabled brother***

d. an adult who had a disabled brother

d. an adult who had a disabled brother

To determine the correct answer, we can start by analyzing the information given in the question. "The Scarlet Ibis" is a short story, so we can assume that the narrator is a character within that story who is recounting events.

To find out who the narrator is, we can analyze the options provided:

a. a young boy with a disability
b. a young boy with a disabled brother
c. a parent of a disabled child
d. an adult who had a disabled brother

To eliminate some options, we can consider the narrative perspective of the story. If the narrator were a young boy with a disability, it would focus on his perspective and experiences. However, since the story is named "The Scarlet Ibis," it is unlikely that the story would focus on the narrator's disability. Thus, we can eliminate option a.

Similarly, option c, a parent of a disabled child, is less likely since the story does not primarily revolve around the parent's perspective or experiences.

Now, let's consider the remaining options:

b. a young boy with a disabled brother
d. an adult who had a disabled brother

To determine the correct answer between these two options, we need to analyze the language and tone used in the story.

"The Scarlet Ibis" uses retrospective language, which indicates that the narrator is recalling past events. Additionally, the narrator reflects on the events with adult emotions and understanding. This suggests that the narrator is an adult reflecting on their childhood experiences.

Thus, option d, an adult who had a disabled brother, is the correct answer.

To summarize, the correct answer is d. The narrator of "The Scarlet Ibis" is an adult who had a disabled brother. We arrived at this answer by analyzing the narrative perspective, language, and tone used in the story.