France took the lead in colonizing the Upper Midwest region. From the early sixteenth century on, French soldiers, missionaries and fur traders left their slight mark upon the St. Lawrence valley, the upper Great Lakes and points west. For the early French explorers, the more continent they discovered the more their hopes were frustrated. They had hoped that the vast St. Lawrence-Great Lakes waterway was part of a Northwest Passage to the wealth of the Orient. The French presence was asserted by a network of forts, trading posts and missions dotting the lake and river routes traversing the continental interior.

—Library of Congress
Use the excerpt to answer the question.

Based on your text and this reading, why was land near water so important for French settlers?

(1 point)

Settlers relied on water routes for transportation.
Settlers relied on water routes for transportation.

Settlers used water routes to hunt for food.
Settlers used water routes to hunt for food.

Settlers depended on water from rivers and lakes for their crops.
Settlers depended on water from rivers and lakes for their crops.

Settlers continued to look for a Northwest Passage across the continent.

Settlers relied on water routes for transportation.

Use the image to answer the question.

What can you infer about the Southern economy based on this chart?
(1 point)

The Southern Colonies’ land was worth more because of the rich soil.
The Southern Colonies’ land was worth more because of the rich soil.

The Middle Colonies grew more products than the Southern Colonies.
The Middle Colonies grew more products than the Southern Colonies.

The Southern Colonies’ greatest export was tobacco.
The Southern Colonies’ greatest export was tobacco.

The New England Colonies were wealthier than the Middle and Southern Colonies.

The Southern Colonies’ greatest export was tobacco.

North American Influences

North American Foods Exported to
Chilles South Asia
Sweet potatoes China
Corn China, Africa
Manioc Africa
Tomatoes Europe
Use the chart (image) to answer the question.

Based on the chart and what you know of the Columbian Exchange, which statement best explains why people in West Africa eat manioc?

(1 point)

Europeans introduced manioc to Africa after encountering it in America.
Europeans introduced manioc to Africa after encountering it in America.

Early Native Americans established trade routes with West Africans.
Early Native Americans established trade routes with West Africans.

Manioc is native to West Africa and a traditional part of local diets.
Manioc is native to West Africa and a traditional part of local diets.

Early Native Americans brought manioc with them on voyages to Africa.

Europeans introduced manioc to Africa after encountering it in America.

Identify Central Issues - Explain why the Pilgrims’ government came about and why its existence was important.

The central issue is the establishment and significance of the Pilgrims' government. The Pilgrims' government came about due to the need for governance and order in their new colony of Plymouth. They were a group of English Separatists who sought religious freedom and had arrived in Plymouth in 1620. With no existing government or established authority, they created the Mayflower Compact, a document that outlined the principles and rules for self-governance.

The existence of the Pilgrims' government was important for several reasons. Firstly, it provided a framework for decision-making and collective action, ensuring the unity and stability of the colony. It allowed for the establishment of laws and regulations that promoted order and justice within the community. This government also provided a means of resolving conflicts and disputes, as well as protecting the rights and freedoms of the Pilgrims.

Furthermore, the existence of their self-governing system demonstrated a commitment to democratic principles and laid the foundation for future democratic governance in the American colonies. The Mayflower Compact is often recognized as one of the earliest examples of democratic governance in America. Its importance lies in the precedent it set and the influence it had on the development of representative democracy in the United States.