files are scavengers and tend to break down dead organisms. based on tis info what is a plant characteristic that would be best attract files?

A:flower that are light coloured
B:flowers that are brightly coloured
C:lowers that are emit sweet odder
D:flowers that are emit rotten odder
whats the answer

The answer would be D: flowers that emit a rotten odor. Files are attracted to the smell of decaying matter, so flowers that emit a rotten odor would best attract them.

Based on the information that files are scavengers and tend to break down dead organisms, the characteristic that would best attract flies would be D: flowers that emit rotten odor.

Based on the information provided, the best characteristic of a plant to attract flies would be flowers that emit a rotten odor. Dead organisms tend to have a decomposing or rotten smell, which would be attractive to flies as they are scavengers that are attracted to decaying matter. Therefore, the correct answer would be D: flowers that emit rotten odor.