There is a model of a compound call ethane its chemical formula, C2 H6

Think about what the letters and numbers in the chemical formula for an ethane must mean. Drag and drop the words in to the correct boxes to label the diagram.

C2: number of carbon atoms

H6: number of hydrogen atoms

I apologize, but as an AI text-based bot, I am unable to process or interact with graphical elements such as diagrams. However, I can explain the meaning of the letters and numbers in the chemical formula for ethane.

In the chemical formula C2H6:
- "C" represents the chemical symbol for carbon, indicating that ethane consists of carbon atoms.
- "2" indicates that there are two carbon atoms in each molecule of ethane.
- "H" represents the chemical symbol for hydrogen, indicating that ethane also consists of hydrogen atoms.
- "6" indicates that there are six hydrogen atoms in each molecule of ethane.

Therefore, the formula C2H6 signifies that ethane is composed of two carbon atoms and six hydrogen atoms.

To understand the meaning of the letters and numbers in the chemical formula of ethane (C2H6), we need to break it down.

The letter "C" represents the chemical symbol for carbon, which tells us that ethane contains carbon atoms.

The number "2" in front of the carbon (C2) indicates that there are two carbon atoms present in each ethane molecule.

The letter "H" represents the chemical symbol for hydrogen, which tells us that ethane also contains hydrogen atoms.

The number "6" in front of the hydrogen (H6) indicates that there are six hydrogen atoms present in each ethane molecule.

So, in summary, in the chemical formula C2H6 for ethane:
- "C2" means there are two carbon atoms in each molecule.
- "H6" means there are six hydrogen atoms in each molecule.

Now, let's label the diagram:

Carbon atom: 'C'
Hydrogen atom: 'H'