The first published book of poetry was written by which Puritan author? (1 point)

Anne Bradstreet
Jonathan Edwards
Rev. Cotton Mathers
Rev. Michael Wigglesworth

choose an answer provided.

Anne Bradstreet

Choose the best answer. Which of the following statements about Anne Bradstreet is NOT true? (1 point) Responses Anne Bradstreet was the first published poet in America. Anne Bradstreet was the first published poet in America. Anne Bradstreet was born and educated in England. Anne Bradstreet was born and educated in England. Anne Bradstreet favored poems with regular rhyme scheme and rhythm. Anne Bradstreet favored poems with regular rhyme scheme and rhythm. Anne Bradstreet was never married.

Anne Bradstreet was never married.

The first published book of poetry was written by Anne Bradstreet.

The first published book of poetry was written by Anne Bradstreet, a Puritan author. To find this answer, you could conduct an internet search using keywords like "first published book of poetry by a Puritan author." This search will likely lead you to information about Anne Bradstreet and her book titled "The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America."