Prehistory is the time before.

A. Modern human beings existed.
B. People left written records.
C. People created calendars.
D. People began to study history.

A. Modern human beings existed.

A. Modern human beings existed. Prehistory refers to the time period before the development of writing, so it is characterized by the absence of written records. Modern human beings did exist during prehistory, but they did not have written records to document their lives and activities.

The correct answer is A. Modern human beings existed.

To determine the answer, we can break down the options and examine each one:

A. Modern human beings existed: This refers to the period of time when Homo sapiens, our species, first appeared on Earth. Modern human beings emerged around 200,000 years ago. Therefore, if prehistory is defined as the time before modern human beings existed, option A is the correct answer.

B. People left written records: The ability to write and keep written records is a key characteristic of historical periods rather than prehistory. Prehistory refers to the time before the development of writing systems, so option B is not correct.

C. People created calendars: Calendars are tools that help people measure and organize time. While the invention of calendars is an important milestone in human history, it does not mark the transition from prehistory to history. The concept of prehistory predates the creation of calendars, making option C incorrect.

D. People began to study history: The study of history itself is a characteristic of historical periods rather than prehistory. Before the development of formal historical study, there was no distinct field of history as we know it today. Therefore, option D is not the correct answer.

In summary, the correct answer to the question is A. Modern human beings existed, as this option aligns with the definition of prehistory as the time before the existence of Homo sapiens.