A ruler is used to measure objects, part of which is shown in the image. this image only shows the left side of the ruler. what would the next measurement be to the right on the ruler?

-1/4 "
1 1/2 "
2 1/4"

Gloria collects stamps. She has 18 bird stamps, 9 flower stamps, and 12 butterfly stamps. For a school project, she will display an equal number of each kind of stamp on small poster boards. What is the greatest number of poster boards Gloria can make if she uses all of the stamps?(1 point)


2 poster boards
2 poster boards

3 poster boards
3 poster boards

6 poster boards
6 poster boards

9 poster boards
9 poster boards

To determine the greatest number of poster boards Gloria can make, we need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numbers 18, 9, and 12.

The GCD of 18, 9, and 12 is 3. Therefore, Gloria can make 3 poster boards because each kind of stamp can be evenly distributed on each board.

So, the correct response is: 3 poster boards.

Using the greatest common factor for one term, how can you write 64 + 28 as a product?(1 point)


2(32 + 14)
2(32 + 14)

3(18 + 6)
3(18 + 6)

4(16 + 7)
4(16 + 7)

8(8 + 4)
8(8 + 4)

To write 64 + 28 as a product using the greatest common factor for one term, we need to find the greatest common factor of 64 and 28. The GCF of 64 and 28 is 4.

Therefore, we can write 64 + 28 as 4(16 + 7).

So, the correct response is: 4(16 + 7).

Which of these is equivalent to the following?

4(x – 2)

(1 point)

4x + 2
4x + 2

4x + 8
4x + 8

4x – 2
4x – 2

4x – 8

The expression 4(x - 2) can be simplified as follows:

4(x - 2) = 4x - 8

So, the equivalent expression is 4x - 8.

Therefore, the correct response is: 4x - 8.

A ruler is used to measure objects, part of which is shown in the image. this image only shows the left side of the ruler. what would the next measurement be to the right on the ruler?

-1/4 "
1 1/2 "
2 1/4"

Bot what is the answer

Which point has a distance of 5 from the point (0, -1)?

1 point
(5, 3)
(-5, -1)
(-1, 6)
(0, 4)

Without any additional information or visual representation of the image, it is not possible to determine the correct response.