Select the boxes in the table to match the beliefs and practices to the religions.

Since you haven't provided the table or the beliefs and practices, I cannot make specific selections. However, I can help you understand how to match beliefs and practices to religions. Please provide more information or the table, and I'll be happy to assist you further.

Judaism Christianity

Unfortunately, you haven't provided the beliefs and practices that match with Judaism and Christianity, or the table to make selections. Please provide more information, and I'll be glad to help you match the beliefs and practices to these religions.

I'm sorry, but I cannot see the table you are referring to. If you provide the table or the beliefs and practices along with the religions mentioned, I can help you match them.

To match the beliefs and practices to the religions, you need to have a table with different columns representing the beliefs and practices, and rows representing the religions. Here's a step-by-step guide to select the boxes in the table:

1. Create a table: Open a text editor, spreadsheet software (such as Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets), or any other software that allows you to create a table.

2. Define the columns: Add the required columns to the table to represent the beliefs and practices. For example, you can have columns like "Belief in one God," "Reincarnation," "Worship of idols," "Fasting," and so on, depending on the specific beliefs and practices you want to match.

3. Define the rows: Add rows to represent the different religions under consideration. For example, you can have rows for "Christianity," "Hinduism," "Islam," "Buddhism," and any other religion you want to match.

4. Match the beliefs and practices: Now, go through each belief or practice separately, and based on your knowledge or available resources, select the appropriate box in the table to match it with the respective religion. For example, if Christianity believes in one God, you would mark the box corresponding to "Belief in one God" in the Christianity row.

5. Repeat for each belief and practice: Repeat step 4 for each belief and practice you want to match. Take your time to research and understand the beliefs and practices of different religions to ensure accuracy.

6. Review and confirm: Once you have matched each belief and practice with the respective religion, review the table to ensure accuracy and make any necessary corrections.

By following these steps, you can select the boxes in the table to match the beliefs and practices to the religions effectively.