_____ is a feeling that someone or something is important and should be treated in an appropriate way.

(1 point)






Respect is a feeling that someone or something is important and should be treated in an appropriate way.

The answer to the question is respect.

To determine the answer, we can assess the definition provided in the question and compare it to the given options - responsibility, respect, trustworthiness, and caring.

The feeling described in the question is the belief that someone or something is important and should be treated appropriately. This aligns with the concept of respect, which involves showing consideration and regard for others, recognizing their worth, and treating them in a way that acknowledges their importance.

Therefore, the correct answer is respect.

A mentor is someone you trust and respect who can guide and teach you certain things. A mentor should also display good character. Lee is one of your possible mentors, and he exhibits all of the following traits. Which of Lee's traits would cause you to choose someone else as a mentor?

(1 point)

appreciative of life
appreciative of life

capable of loving others
capable of loving others

realistic and accepting
realistic and accepting

unfair and prejudiced