
What tone does this passage convey?

Although the Banks family was not able to go on their vacation, they were happy to just spend time together. They knew that with a couple of phone calls, they would be able to reschedule their vacation for a time when the weather was better.





The tone of this passage is optimistic.

The tone of this passage is optimistic.

To determine the tone of a passage, it is important to analyze the language, word choice, and the overall atmosphere created by the author. In this case, the passage conveys an optimistic tone.

The passage suggests that despite the disappointment of not being able to go on their vacation, the Banks family remains happy because they value their time spent together. The use of the word "happy" implies a positive emotion, and their willingness to reschedule the vacation demonstrates their positive outlook and belief that they will have a better opportunity in the future.

Additionally, phrases such as "just spend time together" and "knowing that with a couple of phone calls" reinforce the idea that the family members are content and confident in their ability to make alternative arrangements.

Therefore, based on the information provided, the tone of this passage is optimistic.