Colonists took steps to convince England to repeal some of the laws passed by England without their consent. Match the descriptions of those actions below Colonists dumped valuable British tea into the Boston harbor, colonists refused to buy certain British goods and services, Groups of colonists created letters and pamphlets to keep the colonies informed about the actions of British army, colonists sent a formal request to Parliament and King George to reject the Stamp Act

commitees of correspondence
civil disobedience

Commitees of correspondence: Groups of colonists created letters and pamphlets to keep the colonies informed about the actions of British army.

Petition: Colonists sent a formal request to Parliament and King George to reject the Stamp Act.

Civil disobedience: Colonists dumped valuable British tea into the Boston harbor.

Boycott: Colonists refused to buy certain British goods and services.

Colonists dumped valuable British tea into the Boston harbor - civil disobedience

Colonists refused to buy certain British goods and services - boycott
Groups of colonists created letters and pamphlets to keep the colonies informed about the actions of the British army - committees of correspondence
Colonists sent a formal request to Parliament and King George to reject the Stamp Act - petition

Based on the descriptions given, the matching actions would be as follows:

- Colonists dumped valuable British tea into the Boston Harbor: This action is known as civil disobedience.
- Colonists refused to buy certain British goods and services: This action is known as boycott.
- Groups of colonists created letters and pamphlets to keep the colonies informed about the actions of the British army: This action is known as committees of correspondence.
- Colonists sent a formal request to Parliament and King George to reject the Stamp Act: This action is known as a petition.