What is the definition of a scientific theory?

The final outcome of an experiment completed one time.
A scientifically acknowledged principle that has been confirmed by repeated experimental observations.
A well supported explanation of why a phenomenon occurs.
A proposed explanation for an occurrence based on available data, observations, or evidence.

B. A scientifically acknowledged principle that has been confirmed by repeated experimental observations.

The correct answer is D. A scientific theory is a proposed explanation for an occurrence based on available data, observations, or evidence. It is a well-substantiated and well-supported explanation that is supported by multiple lines of evidence. It goes beyond just an individual experiment or observation and has been tested and confirmed through repeated experimentation and observation.

The correct answer is C.

To determine the definition of a scientific theory, we need to carefully consider the provided options.

Option A states that a scientific theory is "The final outcome of an experiment completed one time." This option is incorrect because a single experiment's outcome does not fully establish a scientific theory. A scientific theory requires repeated experimental observations and evidence from multiple sources.

Option B suggests that a scientific theory is "A scientifically acknowledged principle that has been confirmed by repeated experimental observations." This is a strong contender for the definition of a scientific theory. It highlights the importance of repeated experimental observations to confirm and establish a scientific theory. However, it does not fully capture the element of explaining why a phenomenon occurs, which is a crucial aspect of scientific theories.

Option C effectively defines a scientific theory as "A well-supported explanation of why a phenomenon occurs." This definition captures the essence of a scientific theory by emphasizing the explanatory nature of theories. A scientific theory goes beyond merely acknowledging a principle or confirming experimental observations; it provides a comprehensive and evidence-based explanation for a phenomenon. Hence, option C is the correct choice.

Option D defines a scientific theory as "A proposed explanation for an occurrence based on available data, observations, or evidence." This option is close to the correct answer but falls short in emphasizing the importance of a well-supported explanation. While a scientific theory is indeed a proposed explanation, it requires strong evidence and support from various sources to become widely accepted in the scientific community.

In conclusion, the definition of a scientific theory is a well-supported explanation of why a phenomenon occurs.