Matthew is looking at two different atoms. One has 8 protons and 10 neutrons. The other substance has 8 protons and 12 neutrons. Are these the same element? Why or why not?

Yes. They are the same element because they have the same number of protons.

No. They are not the same element because they have a different number of neutrons.

The second answer is correct. Although they have the same number of protons, the different number of neutrons means they are different isotopes of the same element.

Yes. They are the same element because they have the same number of protons. The number of protons determines the identity of an element, which is given by its atomic number. In this case, both atoms have 8 protons, so they belong to the same element. The number of neutrons can vary within an element, resulting in different isotopes of the element.

The correct answer is: Yes. They are the same element because they have the same number of protons.

To determine if two atoms are the same element, you need to compare their atomic numbers, which is equal to the number of protons in the nucleus of the atom. In this case, both atoms have 8 protons, so they belong to the same element. The number of neutrons does not determine the identity of an element; it only affects the atom's mass.