12e - 5f - 7e + 3f

To simplify the expression, we need to combine like terms.

The terms containing "e" are 12e and -7e, which adds up to 5e.

The terms containing "f" are -5f and 3f, which adds up to -2f.

Therefore, the simplified expression is 5e - 2f.

To simplify the expression 12e - 5f - 7e + 3f, we can combine like terms. Like terms have the same variables raised to the same powers.

12e - 5f - 7e + 3f

To combine the "e" terms, we'll add 12e and -7e:

(12e - 7e) - 5f + 3f

Simplifying the "e" terms gives us:

5e - 5f + 3f

Now, let's combine the "f" terms by adding -5f and 3f:

5e - 5f + 3f

Simplifying the "f" terms gives us:

5e - 2f

Therefore, the simplified expression is 5e - 2f.

To simplify the given expression, we can combine like terms. Like terms are terms that have the same variables raised to the same powers. In this expression, we have terms with the variables 'e' and 'f'.

Starting with the terms containing 'e', we have '12e' and '-7e'. To combine them, we can simply add the coefficients of 'e'. So, 12e - 7e = 5e.

Next, we have the terms with 'f', which are '-5f' and '3f'. Similar to before, we add the coefficients of 'f'. So, -5f + 3f = -2f.

Therefore, the simplified expression is 5e - 2f.